10.00 Welcome address
10.20 Finland: Sunila: Tradition and progress in the building of an industrial community
11.20 Slovakia: Batovany-Partizánske: An example of Bata industrial community ideals
13.30 Estonia: The Modernist Neighbourhood in Estonia - An almost never realised dream
14.00 Denmark: Bellevue-Bellavista: From cure resort to modern living and active conservation
15.30 Italy: The Italian Modern Heritage: An introduction
15.45 Ivrea: Town, industry and housing
16.30 Summary and discussion
18.00 Exhibition opening at the Pirtti community building, Sunila
FINLAND: RURIK WASASTJERNA: architect, Sunila, project co-ordinator, chair of seminar
TAPANI MUSTONEN: architect, Helsinki.
MARKKU HANNONEN: architect, Kotka.
SLOVAKIA: HENRIETA MORAVCÍKOVÁ: architect, senior researcher, Slovak Academy of science - Institute of Construction and Architecture, chair of DOCOMOMO Slovakia, Bratislava.
ESTONIA: MART KALM: PhD, Visiting lecturer, Professor at Department of History of Art, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn, Coordinator Estonian DOCOMOMO working party.
DENMARK: OLA WEDEBRUNN: architect, assistant professor, Royal Danish Institute of Fine Arts - School of Architecture, chair of DOCOMOMO Scientific Committee, Copenhagen.
ITALY: CRISTIANA MARCOSANO DELL'ERBA: PhD, architect, DOCOMOMO Italia member of board, Rome
ENRICO GIACOPELLI: architect, Turin, MAAM-Ivrea.

Entrance to exhibition in Prtti Community Hall. Renovation started shortly after exhibition

Exhibition ready for opening

Exhibition opening in Pirtti Community Hall, Sunila

Enrico Giacopelli presenting Ivrea exhibition panels


Invitation card

Seminar in Kotka concert hall

Henrieta Moravcíková lecturing on Bat'ovany-Partizánske